The University High School
Theatre Magnet
The University High School Theatre Magnet provides students with the opportunity to explore theatre arts through specific curriculum and to apply skills learned in main stage productions each year in the Patrick F. Culler Performing Arts Center! The goal of University High School’s Performing Fine Arts Magnet Program is to foster students’ artistic, academic, and personal development through a rigorous, performance-based curriculum in dance, instrumental, vocal, and theatrical arts. Students who pursue the theatre track will be held to high academic and artistic standards while fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect, collaboration, support, and acceptance.
Theatre Magnet Audition Guidelines
There are three options for students auditioning for the theatre track.
Prepare two (2) contrasting monologues (dramatic/comedic or classical/contemporary), not to exceed 3 minutes total.
Monologues must be from a published play.
For guidance in choosing monologues, choose material that best fits the actor’s personality. Contact a former or current theatre director and ask for some guidance when choosing monologues.
Prepare one monologue and 90 seconds of a solo musical theatre song (no pop/rock songs.) You must provide an accompaniment track to use for your audition.
Monologues must be from a published play or musical. No monologues from movies please.
For guidance in choosing songs/monologues, choose material that best fits the actor’s personality. Contact a former or current theatre director and ask for some guidance when choosing material.
Prepare a Tech Portfolio (powerpoint presentation is fine) demonstrating proficiency in technical theatre and design. Be prepared to present your work and describe your process/vision.
Your Portfolio can include any of the following:
Costume Design: Drawings, paintings, garments you have made. These do not need to be theatrical if you happen to do fashion work for other areas.
Lighting Design: Drawings, paintings, photography, drafting/lighting plots, etc.
Scene Design: Drawings, paintings, still life, drafting, etc.
Stage Management: Prompt scripts, cue sheets, ground plans
Technical Direction: Drafting samples, objects you have built, photographs, production paperwork, etc., rehearsal notes, programs, etc.
Please contact us with questions about the theatre track.